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The Super Bowl is politicized. Universities are politicized. Science is politicized. Most people are utterly sick of this, so why is it happening? Because most of our leaders believe Jean Jacques Rousseau was right: people must be liberated from civil society, and made utterly dependent on the political state. Politics is how "our democracy" divides and conquers.
The next time someone says "it takes a village to raise a child," understand that the village is the state. State schools encourage division between students and parents. Social justice policies demand the destruction of the nuclear family. To achieve Rousseau's vision from his Social Contract of 1762, family authority must be disintegrated and re-unified under the state.
Rousseau wrote that conflict in society results from factions with different opinions. Thus it is "essential" for civic groups (churches, universities, etc.) to be broken and rebuilt as organs of the state, and for "each citizen to think only his own thoughts" (aka "my truth"). This is the only way the "General Will" of the people can guide the nation toward true democracy.
Totalitarianism demolishes all institutions, rebuilding them in the image of the state and churning out citizens whose only allegiance is to the state. When everyone believes in "my truth," the state has become the perfect democracy: One person one thought, one person one vote! But not even a perfect democracy can stand still. It must have permanent revolution.
If the roller-coaster of "political action" is making you sick, and America is worse off because of it, understand that this roller coaster cannot stop. "Our democracy" must have a "permanent revolution" dedicated to the continuous eradication of all values that originate outside the state. Every person must be reduced to a political animal who is compelled to be free.
No state can force people to believe in it. But it can banish unbelievers. Rousseau: "anyone who refuses obedience to the general will is forced to it by the whole body." And "anyone who publicly recognizes these dogmas, and then behaves as if he does not believe, shall be punished by death, for he has committed the worst of all crimes, lying before the law."